City Democratic Club takes OFF the month of May - Rejoin us the last Thursday in June (June 24) when we host Political Analyst David Latterman. Details to come. AND, Don't forget to vote on June 8, or now for absentee ballot voters. To help you with that, here are the club's final endorsements.
Note that club bylaws require candidates and measures to reach 60% for endorsement and allow members to vote "No Endorsement" for all offices except central committee.
Statewide Candidates
Governor - Edmund G. "Jerry" Brown
Lt. Governor - Gavin Newsom
Attorney General - Kamala Harris
Secretary of State - Debra Bowen
Controller - John Chiang
Treasurer - Bill Lockyer
Insurance Commissioner - Dave Jones
Board of Equalization - District 1 - Betty Yee
U.S. Senate - Barbara Boxer
State Senate - District 8 - Leland Yee
State Assembly - District 12 - Fiona Ma
State Assembly - District 13 - Tom Ammiano
U.S. House - District 8 - Nancy Pelosi
U.S. House - District 12 Jackie Speier
Superintendent of Public Instruction - Gloria Romero
Statewide Measures
Proposition 13 Limits on Property Tax Assessment YES
Proposition 14 Elections - Open Primaries NO
Proposition 15 Public Financing YES
Proposition 16 Two-thirds Approval for Public Power NO
Proposition 17 Insurance Costs Based on Continuous Coverage NO
Local Measures
Measure A School Facilities Tax YES
Measure B Earthquake Bond YES
Measure C Film Commission Restructuring NO
Measure D Retirement Benefits Costs YES
Measure E Line Item - Police Security for Officials and Dignitaries NO
Measure F Renter's Economic Relief NO
Measure G Transbay Transit Center YES
Superior Court
Seat 6 - Linda Colfax
Seat 15 - No Recommendation*
* For Superior Court Seat 15, neither candidate met the 60% threshold., and the choice of "No Endorsement" also failed to reach 60%.
Democratic County Central Committee District 12
60% Endorsement Winners:
Mary Jung
Melanie Nutter
Remaining Top 12 Vote Getters (in order):
Ron Dudum
Tom Hsieh
Jane Morrison
Matt Tuchow
Arlo Smith
Alex Volberding
Milton Marks
Meagan Levitan
Bill Fazio
Hene Kelly
Democratic County Central Committee District 13
60% Endorsement Winners:
Carole Migden
Scott Wiener
Remaining Top 12 Vote Getters (in order):
Michael Goldstein
Debra Walker
David Chiu
Rafael Mandelman
Catherine Stefani
Melissa Ann A. Apuya
Leslie Rachel Katz
Joe Alioto Veronese
David Campos
Chuck Hornbrook
Election Calendar
May 24, 2010 Last day to register to vote
June 1, 2010 Last day to apply for a vote-by-mail ballot by mail
June 8, 2010 Election Day
We would also like to announce and congratulate the new crew of City Democratic Club board members for 2010. (Bios coming soon)
President - Jim Reilly
Vice President - Susan Chan
2nd Vice President - Mike Ho
Treasurer - Steve LaPlante
Corresponding Secty - George Dias
Recording Secty - Erik Cummins
Officers at Large - Heidi Machen & Clay Harrell