Friday, March 15, 2013

March - No meeting; upcoming for April: board elections


Meeting look-ahead

The Club won't have a meeting in March. Programming resumes in April. Our next newsletter will confirm the date, time and location.

Board elections in April

At the April meeting, the membership will vote to approve the club's executive board for 2013.

The board slate recommendation was formed and announced at the February meeting: President - Michael Ho
First Vice President - Erik Cummins
Second Vice President - Heidi Machen
Recording Secretary - Sarah Singer
Corresponding Secretary - Clay Harrell
Treasurer - Steve la Plante
At-large - Michael Breyer

In order to vote or make motions to change the slate, your membership dues need to be current. (It's easier than ever! Just click the button.)

Membership season

Time to re-up membership in your favorite club! As always, we accept checks made out to City Democratic Club, 621 LaSalle Ave., San Francisco, 94124.

The club is also experimenting with online membership. Click the button at right to renew or start your membership for 2013. Or send a check to the address above.

Report any online payment problems to us at Please be gentle. It's our first time.