Dear City Democratic Club Members,
I am pleased to announce the newly elected officer team leading the Club for 2011;
President - Jim Reilly
First Vice President - Yoyo Chan
Second Vice President - Mike Ho
Corresponding Secretary - Sarah Singer
Recording Secretary - Erik Cummins
Treasurer - Steve Laplante
Officers at Large - Heidi Machen & Clay Harrell
The Club thanks Susan Chan and George Dias for their excellent service as officers to the City Democratic Club during the past year.
Upcoming Meetings and Events:
On Wednesday, June 15, the City Democratic Club will be sponsoring a debate with the candidates currently running for District Attorney of San Francisco . It will be held at the LGBT Center at 1800 Market Street from 7 to 8:30 PM.The San Francisco Young Democrats and San Francisco's premier newspaper to the legal community, The Recorder, will co-sponsors the debate.
On Thursday, August 18 the Club will be meeting for our endorsement voting session at a location to be determined. This will include endorsement votes for Mayor, District Attorney, Sheriff and ballot measures. This year we will be instituting ranked choice voting for the Mayor's race only, as there are so many credible candidates. That is, our ballot will allow you select three candidates and rank them 1, 2, & 3 just as you can on Election Day. This is being done to increase our chance of reaching the necessary 60% threshold so that we can endorse a mayoral candidate.
In order to vote at the endorsements meeting on 8/18, you need to have been a paid member for at least 30 days. If you have not paid your $35 annual dues yet, please do so. You can pay in person at the 6/15 debate, or mail a check for City Democratic Club at 621 LaSalle Ave., San Francisco, 94124. If you have been a paid member in the past two years, you can also renew your membership and pay your 2011 dues at the endorsement meeting.
Please join us on Facebook where you can follow club news and RSVP to club events!
I look forward to seeing you at the next Club meeting The debate for SF District Attorney will be an exciting and potentially game changing event.
Best regards,
Jim Reilly
President of the City Democratic Club