Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New Year from City Democratic Club

  January News  

Meeting look-ahead

Worn out from the holidays? So are we. We're taking a month off from meetings in January.

Programming resumes in February, when we expect to host Supervisor Scott Wiener. Our next newsletter will confirm the date, time and location.

Swearing-in season

Now's the time for new city officials to get sworn in and throw parties to celebrate. We'll not spam you with the huge list, but we've got it here somewhere. Drop us a line at if you'd like help finding the bash for your favorite politico.

Membership season

Time to re-up membership in your favorite club! As always, we accept checks made out to City Democratic Club, 621 LaSalle Ave., San Francisco, 94124.

The club is also experimenting with online membership. Try it out using the PayPal link in the right-hand column.

Report any online payment problems to us at Please be gentle. It's our first time.