February speaker: Chief Greg Suhr
The club is honored to welcome SFPD Chief Greg Suhr as speaker on Thursday 2/20.When: Thursday, February 20, 7:30pm
Where: Chancellor Hotel, Clipper Room (433 Powell St. between Sutter and Post)
How: Adjacent Muni lines: 3, 8X, 38, 30, 45, cable cars. The Powell Street BART/Muni station is a 10-15 minute walk away, as are Market and Mission street lines.
Mayor Lee appointed Greg Suhr as Chief in 2011. During his tenure, crime has dropped in the City. Chief Suhr has a strong focus on community policing; another of his key efforts is to create a 6th Street Substation in Central Market.
Suhr joined the SFPD in 1981 as a patrol officer at Tenderloin Station. He later became Captain for Bayview and Mission stations as well as Deputy Chief of Field Operations. His many other roles have included leadership in the Narcotics Division and the SFPUC.
Chief Suhr has worked to engage San Francisco's youth, starting sports programs in both the Mission and the Bayview to promote community outreach and to reduce and prevent gang violence. He also helped implement Safe Corridor, a Mission program to reduce violence and gang activity. He serves on the board of the Boys and Girls Club of SF and the Bayview YMCA.
Chief Suhr is a graduate of USF and has a certificate in the Counter-Terrorism Executive Program from the University of Southern California.
2014 Executive Board nomination and voting
The club's 2014 Executive Board will be elected in April. The board currently consists of a President, two Vice Presidents, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer, as well as members-at-large. The bylaws also provide for a Parliamentarian, which currently is not assigned.At the February meeting, the current board will propose a slate for 2014 and strongly encourages nominations from the membership. Only current, paid members for 2014 may nominate, stand for office, or vote in the officer election.
Renew now to make sure the 2014 Executive Board reflects your views.
March dark, April meeting
There will be no meeting in March. Stay tuned for April programming, which will include board elections.Retain eligibility to vote: Join or renew for 2014
Renew now to make sure your voice is heard for election endorsements and board composition. Regular dues are still $35, discounted to $15 for students and seniors.To be eligible to vote in an endorsement meeting:
- Members in 2012 or 2013 must renew at or before the endorsement meeting.
- New members must join at least 28 days before the endorsement meeting. For June primary endorsements, the new-member cutoff is estimated at March 20 but is subject to change until the meeting date is set.
To vote or nominate for the 2014 Executive Board, or to stand for office, dues must be current. The 28-day rule does not apply for board elections.
Regular dues can be paid securely using the PayPal button in the sidebar. Or send checks to us at 621 LaSalle Ave., San Francisco, 94124. We're unable to accept cash through the mail.