Propositions B and C are No Endorsement.
Local Offices
Katy Tang for Supervisor, District 4.
Carmen Chu for Assessor-Recorder.
Dennis Herrera for City Attorney.
Due to a typographical error, the Treasurer race was omitted from the club ballot. José Cisneros is running unopposed in this race. The club has no position on this office because of the error.
Yes on A, Retiree Health Care Trust Fund.
No endorsement on B, 8 Washington - Initiative.
No endorsement on C, 8 Washington - Referendum.
Yes on D, Prescription Drug Purchasing.
"No endorsement" means that neither Yes nor No reached the 60% threshold required to endorse. The club's position is to not support either side on Propositions B and C.
Thank you!
The club extends a warm thank-you to our presenters from the Proposition B and C campaigns and to the membership for its careful consideration and its votes.
Key dates
Mark your calendar for these key dates and deadlines:
October 7: Early voting begins at City Hall
October 21: Last day to register to vote. City voter registration info on
October 29: Last day to request a mail ballot
November 2-5: Mail ballots can be dropped off at curbside collection stations at City Hall
November 5: Election Day. Polls open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Next Up
Projections for upcoming club meetings:
November: After-work happy hour, most likely the 21st (third Thursday).
December: Holiday party.
2014: We're lining up great speakers for the spring. Stay tuned.
Projections for upcoming club meetings:
November: After-work happy hour, most likely the 21st (third Thursday).
December: Holiday party.
2014: We're lining up great speakers for the spring. Stay tuned.